It’s hard to believe that this time last year we were preparing to say goodbye to Mark. We knew that he had lost his gallant battle against the awful disease and it was only a matter of time. He passed away peacefully two days later (14th April 2014) after hearing the glorious sound of his beloved Avatar One race car starting its engine for the first time
Honestly at the time I was so overcome with grief I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to continue with the business but Mark had asked me to promise that I would take his legacy (The Avatar One) forward so with the help of Kevin, Dylan, Mike and of course so much support from friends and family this I have done and am continuing to do so.
Last October I took on a new employee, Mike Berry. After seeing his work on the Avatar, I knew he had some very fine skills to offer so as soon as I was able to I offered him a job and set him up in a dedicated work area so he could produce and develop glass fibre car bodies and parts. I am pleased to say we are also now making the bodies for Chesil Speedsters and body components for all types of Lotus sports cars to name just a few.
Kevin, as always, works extremely hard and is continuing to still manufacture chassis’ for both Chesil Sports Cars and Suffolk Sports Cars well as producing our Marlin Sportsters & EXi’s, designing and working on the New 'Avatar One' and generally lending a hand where ever needed. He is also now helping with building the cars so we can start to offer a factory build service again. In fact, because we are so busy, we are in the process of taking on an apprentice and are planning on taking on another in September.
Also on the 5th September we will be holding our first Marlin Open Day see since we moved into our new premises six years ago. It will be very exciting and will also be a fund raising event for Marks charity, loads will be going on and there will be something for everyone. More information will follow soon.
So we are going from strength to strength and will now be keeping our web pages and Facebook pages up to date so do keep checking back and if you think about it, do light a candle for the wonderful talented and much missed Mark on Tuesday………… I will be.