If you would like this newsletter in a PDF format please contact me and I will be happy to email over to you info@marlinsportscars.co.uk
Dear Marlin and Kit Car enthusiast, what have you promised yourself this year?
Maybe it is to buy a Marlin, or another great British kit car that you have always dreamed about, or find more time to complete the kit you already have. Whichever it is don’t just promise yourself……. DO IT.
life is too short to look at an incomplete car, so head for the fast lane and get your car finished this year, after all it’s about driving with the wind in your hair and a big grin on your face but if you know you haven’t got the time then let us help turn your dream into reality.
Finishing, check-overs and IVA accreditation, for all styles of kit cars
Take a look above at just some of the specialist cars that we have been involved with this last year. Not only were we commissioned to finish a great selection of Marlin kits and take them for IVA, but we have also had the opportunity of working on brands of kit and specialist cars too.
And of course if you have finished your lovely car yourself but feel worried about taking her for IVA, we can arrange to collect your car, book the test, get your car IVA accredited and even assist with taxing her afterwards. After all we have had plenty of experience doing this with our own cars - Well over 30 years’ worth! So give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist to whatever level you would like.
01363 773772
BMW Turbo Diesel about to cause some controversy
The last project Mark was working on before he was sadly taken from us in April 2014, was a turbo-diesel based 5 series Sportster. Mark was determined that this would be a great, talked about demonstrator but sadly he never completed the car.
Now almost 4 years on we are proud to announce that we have dusted her down ready to finish in time for the Stoneleigh Kit Car show in May where I am sure it will cause some controversy… Mark would have loved that.
We now offer accident and insurance repair which sits nicely along-side our restoration and Specialist chassis designs service.
It seems there are not many specialist companies left that still offer specialist engineering and glass fibre repairs under-one roof. So, by popular demand, we are now offering an accident and repair service where we can also collect and deliver your car. Of course this works well with our on-going chassis & glass fibre mould design service for other specialist car companies.
Last year we helped many kit car owners who were unfortunate to be involved in an accident…… One example is Peter’s Marlin Hunter (right) which needed a new front wing, bumper, wheel and chassis check.
While we had his car here we also gave it a thorough check over including making some minor adjustments on the camber settings. Peter was delighted with the results and said it looked and drove like a new car.
This Marlin Hunter (below) needed quite an overall and we were delighted, when asked by the owner, to completely re-store her back to her original glory.
As you can see from the picture above the results speak for themselves.
Our Marlin Team
Kevin has now been with us for nearly 30 years. During this time he really has become a true master of many skills and continues to be our chief chassis developer and engineer.
Nick is now a very big part of the Marlin team and tackles anything that comes his way with enthusiasm, dedication and aptitude.
Russell our glass fibre specialist has been with us for well over a year and has proved time and again how skilled he is and a great asset to Marlin.
Beautifully designed Avatar Chassis by Kevin
Nick preparing customers car for IVA
Glass fibre work needed from Russell
Kits and turn-key factory built Marlins
Of course we are still continuing to produce the very popular ‘30 style Marlin Sportster and the sleek looking Marlin 5EXi as kits.
We are currently working with a 6-8 week turn-around time from order to collection/delivery.
For a factory built car it would be best to contact me direct to find out the latest lead time.
Nothing like a soft top to put a grin on your face
Don’t take my word for it; here are just a few happy customers that enjoy the thrills of owning a Marlin Sports Car.
Right: Heinz K collects his lovely Sportster after using our finishing service
He went on to say "The timeless lines of a classic English roadster, Mark´s race bred chassis and a masterpiece of German engineering under the bonnet - a combination I just couldn´t resist!"
Left: Nigel D chuffed at the results after having some
alterations done at our workshop on his beloved Sportster.
Nigel remarked “What Kevin and the team did to my car was transformational,
I thought it handled well before but after they set it up it was a whole new car!”
Above left: Two very proud owners at Marlin Open Day after winning best in show
Above right: Big grins all round especially from Ben Collins (The Stig) after driving our BMW M3 powered Marlin Sportster demonstrator at Castle Combe Circuit
Below left: Alan B looking the part with his wonderful race striped Marlin Sportster he completed himself
Below right: Robert sitting in his gorgeous Marlin 5EXi at the Bicester heritage scramble day
Avatar Sports Car Ltd is up for sale
A unique opportunity to own a well-established Sports Car Company
The Avatar Roadster evolved from the 5EXi and inherited much of what we had learnt over the many years we raced the EXi. With a new chassis design and a more aerodynamically built body the race version of the Avatar went on to win many races.
The final 2 years of development we continued to fine tune the chassis and suspension package so we could offer a road going car subtly refining the cars appearance and interior.
The Avatar One now carries within it the benefits of several years of hard work by the Marlin team and contribution from external drivers such as Ben Collin and Dylan.
However, sadly I do not have the time or financial resources to continue to develop both sides of the business (Marlin and Avatar) so therefore I have made the very difficult decision to sell the Avatar business and concentrate all my efforts on Marlin Cars.
The car is now close to being ready to take into production as a low volume kit or finished car. For a buyer, who is prepared to add the final touches to the car and invest in its launch and marketing, this represents an exciting business opportunity.
Offered in the sale will be all rights, Avatar marquee, demonstrator, all body moulds, chassis jigs etc
For more details check out avatarsportscars.co.uk/
Marlin second hand cars for sale
Currently we have a beautiful Marlin 5EXi factory built race car for sale and about to add a gorgeous Silver Marlin Hunter (see pic). We sell cars for owners by advertising on our site and then vetting the interested parties. We then put that person in touch with the owner.
Maybe you have a car you sadly need to part with or maybe would like to sell so you can build another one. We are happy to try and sell your car for you.
We have a dedicated For Sale Page and can either advertise your car from our page or we may be able to sell your car from our premises here.
Ole’ Smokey
Andy wrote to me from Spain, where he is an enthusiastic owner of many specialist cars. These great photos show how he's turned a Marlin Roadster into a Marlin Hot Rod.
The photos made me smile, a marmite moment for sure.
Me…… I love marmite.
Finally a letter from Mr Taylor who plans to soon become a proud owner of a Marlin Sports Car
Dear Terry
I would like to thank you and everyone who works at Marlin, for creating a great range of cars. I have been a huge lover of your cars ever since I was a small child. I have great memories of going to car shows with my Father and marvelling at your fantastic cars and listening in awe to that memorising roar of the various engines especially the roar of the marvellous V8.
You make cars that are both enjoyed by the lucky owners, yet put a smile on a passer-by’s face as a Marlin flies past them on the road. I do not own one of your cars, yet, but I will. It is on my 'to do' list. I believe in life it is important to set yourself goals, and being the proud owner of one of your beautifully engineered and artistically designed cars is one of them.
It may seem insignificant to some people, but I feel that your company has created something that is not only beautiful but it also reminds me of what can be achieved with hard work. That motivation is something I will be eternally grateful for.
Thank you and Regards
Mr W Taylor Shropshire
Marlin Sportscars contact details
Tel: Terry on (UK) 01363 773772 (10-4 Mon to Thur)
Tel: Workshop on (UK) 07860 929259 (8-4 Mon to Fri)