Congratulations Dylan another Trophy for the shelf
Another successful outing in the Avatar One driven by Dylan on the 4th May 2015. Dylan says "It was great to see so many friendly faces at Castle Combe today - thanks all for stopping by! Shame the weather turned from ideal BBQ sunshine at 2pm to complete washout at 6pm, just in time for the race :-(
As hard as I tried I could not avoid aquaplaning about 50 times during the race (not the quickest way around the track!) No substitute for a bit of weight and 4 wheel drive in these conditions (and Robin refused to get inside the passenger seat for a bit of extra weight...)".
Here is what it looked like from where I was sitting.
A few select photos from yesterday's race at Castle Combe. We are very happy with the result and another bit of Silverware (or glassware more accurately) for the ever growing trophy cabinet Result: 2nd in class and 4th overall.